This was a very first time, Hubby and I brought Little Peke go for a short distant trip. I was extremely excited. I used to travel with Hubby, now we were bringing our own kid went for holiday. Full of jovial holiday mood this time, our journey were more fun and heartfelt than usual.
Since Little Peke was born, the furthest place that he has been is his grandma’s house which is about 40km away. During this Hari Raya and Merdeka long holiday, Hubby and I decided to bring Little Peke to Port Dickson, allowing him a chance to get closer to Mother Nature, play the sea water, sand; allowing him more fun in his childhood. However, my hubby said: “You are the happiest and excited person during this Port Dickson trip.” I giggled.
这次是小北格第一次在外头过夜,为了让小北格有安全感,所以老公和我早在出发前的前个星期就不停提醒小北格:“安安,下个星期二和星期三,爸爸妈妈要带安安去波德申海边游玩,到时我们还打算住在波德申Avillion度假屋一晚哦。安安晚上就在Avillion度假屋睡觉喽,睡那儿的床。” 我们还真怕小北格当天晚上会吵着要回家睡觉呢。还好,在这整个旅程里,小北格的心情都很开心,他似乎知道他现在是在度假,到了晚上还兴奋地不肯睡觉。
This is the very first time for Little Peke to stay overnight out of home. In order to let Little Peke to have the feel of safety, a week before our departure, Hubby and I kept reminding Little Peke: “ Aun Aun, next Tuesday and Wednesday, Papa Mama will bring Aun Aun go to Port Dickson, and we are going to spend one night at the Avillion Chalet. So, Aun Aun will stay one day at Avillion Chalet and sleep at the chalet as well.” Honestly, we worry Little Peke will clamor to go back home to sleep during the trip. Luckily, throughout the journey, Little Peke seemed to have enjoyed himself. He seemed to know he is on vacation. He was so excited till he was reluctant to go to sleep.
当天,我们停留在Telok Kemang海滩一会儿走走,或许海水的范围很大,刚开始小北格不太敢下地,后来我们让小海浪轻打在小北格的脚,他很喜欢这样的感觉,还用小脚去挖沙,让海水卷入,很逗趣。
That day, we made a stop at Telok Kemang Beach. May be the view of the sea is huge for Little Peke, he wanted us to cuddle him and was reluctant to step on the sand. After some persuasion and allowing a few small waves to touch Little Peke’s feet, he gradually takes a liking to it. So much so that eventually, he even used his little feet to dig the sand to let the sea water go into the sand. This is so cute.
Besides the sand and sea water, Little Peke went swimming at the Avillion Swimming Pool too. However, something funny happened where my Little Peke refused to wear his swimming suit. We guessed perhaps the swimming suit was still a bit wet since the first day he wore it. The wet swimming suit could make him felt very uncomfortable. So he wanted to jump directly into the swimming pool without any clothes. Naked! After few persuasion both gently and with some force, Little Peke wore the swimming suit in tear.
Little Peke is still a baby, so Hubby and I always keep his daily routine as normal as usual by not disturbing his eating and sleeping time. Although we can’t explore more during this trip as before having him around, we have no regret about it. For us, this is a sweet burden. At least, when I slow down my pace, I have learned to enjoy and savior the journey. This is in contrast to rushing to every possible tourist destination. This is indeed a new perspective on life.
Now, I could not help thinking, where is our next destination!
Papa: “Aun Aun, this is the Port Dickson seaside.”
小北格:“哦,我知道了,是Telok Kemang海边。”
Little Peke: “Oh, I see. We at Telok Kemang now.”
Little Peke enjoying the small waves gently touching his little feet.
小北格: “原来这就是传说中,世界上最大只的鸟。”
Little Peke: “So this is the biggest bird in the world.”
Little Peke: “Papa Mama, the sea is so huge, endless view.”
在水中玩球。Play with ball in the swimming pool.
父子俩在享受着快乐时光。Papa and Little Peke enjoyed their happy hour at the lanai.
Little Peke likes the Lanai very much. Atop the bed, Little Peke could easily see the chalet scenery and people passing by. This could satisfy his curiosity.
小北格: “我们要回家了。玩得真开心。”
Little Peke: “We want to go home. I really enjoy the trip with Papa Mama.”