Thursday, July 12, 2018

自驾游走南马-柔佛州西部76夜行游记 (第二天)West Part of Johor Family Trip 7 days 6 nights (Day 2)

第二天的行程: Sanrio Hello Kitty Town + Thomas Town Puteri Harbour Iskandar Puteri

Day 2 route: Sanrio Hello Kitty Town + Thomas Town Puteri Harbour Iskandar Puteri

在获悉Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town 是一个类似Genting FirstWorld的室内主题乐园后,我们就决定把这个地点作为这次旅游中的主要打卡之地。因为大马天气炎热,我们最小的孩子才2岁,抱着他,大人小孩都很会流大汗,或太热不舒服而闹脾气,加上要和好友及好友的孩子们(最小也是2岁)一起叙旧相聚,所以才对这个地点情有独钟,觉得它可以满足我们全部大小的需求。当天来了之后,我们更加觉得这是一个很对的选择,也大力推荐给家里有10岁或以下的小孩的父母带小孩来这个室内主题乐园。

When we learnt that Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town is an indoor theme park that similar to Genting First World, we decided to put this place as the main destination within our Johor trip itinerary. The reason is Malaysia weather is very hot, holding a 2 years old toddler under the hot sun could be very torturing, as adult and children might be sweaty, and we worried if they felt very uncomfortable that might lead them to throw tantrum too! Then it will be a nightmare! Furthermore, our best friends will bring their kids (3 and 2 years old) to join us for a day trip, so we found this might be an ideal place to occupy the kids while adults can have some gathering chit-chatting too. After we spend our entire day in this theme park, we felt this was really a good choice, no regret at all. We strongly recommend the parents who have children aged 10 or below to bring their children to this indoor theme park.

Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town的营业时间是10am-6pm,它是一座由3层楼组成的主题乐园。当天我们提早到达那儿,把汽车停泊在Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town的楼下后,就顺道在附近的Puteri Harbour散步走走。在这可以看到一些游艇停泊在码头,其中一排的餐厅是面向码头,让人边享受美食边看码头的景色。因此,带孩子在主题乐园尽兴后,也可以直接在这些餐厅享用晚餐,因为这些地点都是和Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town连接在一起的。简单来说,这是一座商业广场和家庭娱乐的综合体中心,非常方便带幼儿出游的父母。如果要更加的方便,可以考虑住在Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town旁边的酒店- Hotel Jen

The opening hour for Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town is from 10am-6pm.This is a 3-storey indoor theme park. We reached there earlier. After we parked the car at the theme park basement car park, we took a short walk at the Puteri Harbour. We could see some yachts moored at the harbour and a row of restaurants facing the harbour that allowing people to enjoy the food while watching the view of the harbour. You can have your dinner here after enjoyed your day at the theme park. To be short, Puteri Harbour is a quay side lifestyle retail and family entertainment complex, which is very convenient for parents with young children. For added convenience, you can consider to stay at Hotel Jen, next to Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town.

1st floor Hello Kitty Town, 2nd floor Pingu, Bob Builder, Barney, 3rd floor Thomas Town

我们是提前自行上网购票的,买的是Two-Park Pass,就是可以去Sanrio Hello Kitty Town,同时也可以去Thomas Town的。3岁以下的小孩是免费入场的,但是还是要出示儿童身份证让工作人员核准小孩的年龄。老实说,带着孩子们,其实在一天内只是去其中一个主题乐园就足够了。因为里面除了是一座类似Genting FirstWorld的娱乐设施,Sanrio Hello Kitty TownThomas Town 各自都有3场为时30分钟的类似Disneyland的精彩舞台剧,我们的Two-Park Pass,所以可以看6场。然后每层楼都有类似现代商业广场的幼儿健身房,还有亲子DIY活动。当天,我们真的有够累的,不停搭电梯上下看舞台剧。但是,我们还是错过了其中2场的舞台剧,和其它游戏,虽然我们还是准时10am进去,到工作人员播音提醒人们就要关店打烊了,但是时间真的不够用。一天要玩完两个主题乐园,真的不够时间。

We had bought the online tickets in advance. The ticket we bought was a Two-Park Pass that we could entered the Sanrio Hello Kitty Town and Thomas Town. Although the children that under 3 years old is free admittance, we still needed to present his identity card for verification. Honestly, if you come with children, it is enough to visit one of the theme parks in one day. Aside of the indoor amusement park like Genting First World, there are live stage shows that similar to Disneyland for Sanrio Hello Kitty Town and Thomas Town. Each of the theme parks presented 3 live shows. Each show took around 30 minutes. Thus, we were having 6 live shows to watch on one day! Every floor also with playground or play gym, and Sanrio Hello Kitty Town does have the DIY craft activities too. We really tired on that day as we had to keep on taking the lift up and down to watch the live stage shows. However, we still missed  2 of the live shows and other games, though we had come here at 10am, and play till the staffs broadcast to reminds people that it was time for their theme park to be closed, then only we end our day here. It is really not enough time to finish two theme parks in one day.

在这两个主题乐园尽兴后,我们直接在出口处外的餐厅享用晚餐。最搞笑的是,我们还是第一次在广场的餐厅用餐时,被服务员告知,他们厨房的煤气用光了,其中几道菜无法上座,还好还有旋转寿司可以享用。用餐后,只需大约10分钟左右的车程,我们就到达我们的酒店- Somerset Medini Iskandar Puteri。虽然没有Hotel Jen走路就可以到达Sanrio Hello Kitty Town and Thomas Town, 但是还是很靠近,也很方便。

We directly had our dinner at the restaurant near the theme park exit. The most hilarious thing was it was the very first time we were told by the restaurant staffs that their kitchen was running out of gas and couldn’t serve the dishes we ordered. Fortunately, the restaurant still had rotating sushi to serve the guests, else we might have had to starve to dead. After dining, it took about 10 minutes’ drive to reach our hotel- Somerset Medini Iskandar Puteri. This hotel is not as near as Hotel Jen to Sanrio Hello Kitty Town & Thomas Town, but it is still considered quiet near and convenient for us.

Our kids first time played this spinning cup, they loved it so much and repeatedly played this for more than 3 times! 

亲子DIY活动- 设计Hello Kitty 饼干
DIY Craft Activity- Design Hello Kitty biscuit

Got to play and got to eat also

Live stage show with duration of 30 minutes at 1st floor.

Electronic game at 2nd floor

Barney sing-a-long show at 2nd floor

The amusement park at 3rd floor more suitable for bigger kids

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